Help! A Common Cry at the Booch Pit

Help! A Common Cry at the Booch Pit


That’s one of the recurring statements I often hear at the Booch Pit.

Because of the work we do, we have people who show up at the brewery and allow us into the most private parts of their lives.

Often, it’s about a son or daughter that’s in active addiction.

These stories are heartbreaking, and often we don’t have the words to console them.

But we can be of help by being available, serving them a booch, and listening.

It amazes me how quickly one’s disposition can change with a little bit of humor and a glass of booch.

This is why we exist—to gap the booch! To be a place where everyone knows your name.

Unlike a bar, we give them hope, and instead of selling them an escape from their problems, we offer them community.

This would not be possible without your support. Thank you for booching the gap with us.


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